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Interview 1

Me interviewing Stephanie

The interview and editing process taught me many useful schools I can implement in making better projects ahead. While interviewing Stephanie, I gained respect for interviewers because its difficult to come up with questions on the spot. I also learned the importance of pausing between questions to allow room for editing. During editing, I learned how to find b-roll, but they ended up being pictures because I didn't have access to video b-roll. If I had had more time, I would have liked to include videos as well.

Stephanie Interviewing Quinn

In this interview, I observed how to use the camera. I learned how to assemble the tripod, camera, and lights. This was pretty basic filming, because the camera stayed in the same spot the whole time. Watching this showed me how to make the subject look good in the shot, and how to find good interviewing backgrounds.

Quinn Interviewing Me (footage lost)

I was nervous to be interviewed, because it was one of my first times doing it and I was worried I wouldn't have things to say. It actually was really okay, and Quinn asked me good questions and it wasn't awkward. One thing that surprised me was the fact that I was supposed to look at Quinn and not the camera. I also learned that I have to repeat the question when asked, and not talk until the question is fully asked.

Interview 2

Me interviewing Andrew


For this interview, Sarah left the room so we were on our own. This time interviewing went much better. I knew the approximate number of questions to ask to get a one minute interview, and we got about 3 minutes of footage to be edited into one minute. I knew the type of questions to ask, so I was able to come up with them more quickly. the editing also went much better and faster as I get more comfortable with Final Cut.

Andrew interviewing Emma

Emma interviewing Me

This was the first interview in which I did the filming without help. It was really easy, because all I had to do was start and stop recording and make sure the shot was well framed. I also told the other two when enough time had passed that we had enough footage for a one minute interview.  

This interview pretty well. I was definitely less nervous than I was the last time because I knew the questions would be really basic. I started laughing really hard at the end talking about y cats so it didn't flow as well as it should have because I had a major emotion change during the interview. I think the camera angle wasn't great but tats something that could easily be fixed. 

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